We started the day visiting the Sanctuary of San Francesco di Paola.
First, padre Doménico and the coordinator of the association of Camino di San Francesco di Paola told us about the activities they and how it was the life of San Francesco di Paola.
We knew that it was a person who was connected to earth and wanted to protect and raise awareness about the environment (so much related to our project).
For this life of humble, freedom, charity and love the association inspired by the Spanish Camino de Santiago created this new “Camino” which goes through the places where San Francesco lived. And also they explained how it works this “Camino” and how people can join and enjoy it.
After that we visited the Sanctuary that was built between the 16th & 18th century. It seems like two arms which huge and say welcome to all the people who visits it.
After that we went through a part of the path where they continued explaining us different stories and historic moments of the Sanctuary, and we made some trekking journey to raise the physical and spiritual journey like did San Francesco.
The association of the Camino showed us how they saved a part of the forest from a fire during this summer thanks to the path they’re doing and how the plants are growing again.
We finished the morning taking a sandwich all together and after that we had the free afternoon to visit the city, go shopping, go for a walk, have a coffee or eat ice-cream or typical foods of Italy.
The day ended having dinner at the lab center and eating some typical ‘Grispede’ due it was San Martin’s day.
It was a very nice and relaxing day! 

(written by the Spanish team)